Art Rooms Gallery, situated in the heart of Kyrenia, is one of the leading contemporary art galleries in Cyprus. Within its 175m2 exhibition space, our gallery hosts up to six exhibitions annually, presenting a diverse array of works by both local and international artists.
Established in 2012 as the first actualisation of Arkin Group's commitment to the arts, Art Rooms Gallery has paved the way for the formation of a network of dedicated institutions, including the Arkin University of Creative Arts and Design (ARUCAD) in 2017, the Arkin Rodin Collection Gallery of Erbil Arkin’s private collection of twenty-nine original sculptures by Auguste Rodin, as well as those of his lover Camille Claudel and friends, Carrier-Belleuse and Jean-Baptiste Carpeaux in 2018, ARUCAD Art Space in 2018, and the Arkin Iskele Art Hotel in 2022.
Our mission is to unite contemporary artists and audiences, emphasizing top-notch exhibition curation and display techniques. Rooted in the belief in teamwork, camaraderie, and the supremacy of ideals over ideologies, our gallery fosters and supports the generation of ideas that motivate our team. We recognize that exceptional artistic production will ultimately become an embodiment of idealistic expression.
Each exhibition is complemented by meticulously designed publication materials, including monographic books, catalogues, handbooks, as well as ancillary resources like pamphlets and postcards. The gallery is open to the public, providing free access to enriching artistic experiences.
Art Rooms Gallery is managed by a team of in-house specialists and a vast network of external consultants, artists, and cultural workers. We consistently create opportunities for aspiring artists by offering training programs and internships. With a decade of active contribution to the cultural landscape of Cyprus and the broader Mediterranean region, Art Rooms Gallery remains a driving force, continuously inspiring and supporting artistic innovation and production.